Neighbor against neighbor
Houses burnt down
People displaced.
All of this because of words. Words that were said casually then became a
weapon to turn communities against each other.
When I was young we used to sing sticks and stones will break my bones
but words will never hurt me. We were young and foolish then and we believed it. Now that I am older and hopefully wiser I
know that’s not true. Words can hurt
more then sticks and stones.
The violence in Kenya in 2007/2008 didn’t start with the
person who drew the first weapon to hurt another. It started with words. Words were used to differentiate people. We are such and such a tribe and they are not. They are the enemy. Seeds of hatred were planted a long time ago
and they were festering in the minds of the people. They germinated, grew roots, and grew into
trees. Words were used to encourage
people to fight for what the “others” had taken away from them. In whispers and shouts words were used to
devise plans to take down the others and get back what belonged to “our people.”
In Kenya we all have biases and stereotypes. Some were created by the colonialists in
order to divide and rule. Some we
created ourselves. We say this tribe is
like this and this other tribe is like that.
Many times we say it as a joke but many times we believe it because we
heard it said from the time we were children.
So we grow up with those words and gradually they acquire meaning and we
take them as normal. Then when our
leaders state them they become reasonable.
Then they are used to turn us against others and take up weapons to hurt
The tragedy in this country is that mainstream media has
been compromised. Our politicians use
the media to pass across their garbage and the media laps it up and broadcasts
it. After all it sells newspapers and
makes people watch the news.
Social media in Kenya has become an alternative voice to
mainstream media. It can be a sober
voice in a world where hate sells. But
that’s if we choose it to be. Social
media will not suddenly become a magic ward that makes everybody love each
other. But if we can use our presence in
it to bring people together and show them that we are one people we will have
gone far. We can use our social media
platforms like facebook; twitter etc not to hurt or wound others but to heal
and to draw bridges between people. We
can use it to encourage people to look beyond stereotypes. Social media can be used as a tool for
dialogue, discussion, and building friendships.
Let us be social media ambassadors of peace. Because we do understand the power of words.
Handle them carefully, for words have more power than atom
bombs. --Pearl Strachan